And just like *that*, Christmas was over and it was time to move somewhere else. I long advocated to Mark that we should not go through Harrisonburg to pick up things; or at least I should not. I thought the brief visit would be difficult for the kids me to handle and create excessive homesickness. As the time drew closer, however, I had a change of heart. I'm so glad for the few hours we got to spend in the appropriate town--for the friends that so generously lodged and fed us, for the other friends who let us crash their New Year's party, for the Costco bag of craisins that I got to take to Washington with me. The time was too short, and the next afternoon we were on our way to Washington.
More spacious than anticipated, the apartment was entirely suitable. I feel sorry for Italian intern who had to live underneath us in the basement apartment, though. Of course, the winter was cold and snowy. Our place was ridiculously close the Capitol building, and about a mile from the nearest Smithsonian. I discovered that a mile is just about the farthest reach of our walking endurance, and that the mile home after the museum time was invariably...not very pretty.
But! When I could muster the energy to strike out, we did. To where did we strike out?
- National Gallery of Art
- Museum of American History
- Museum of Natural History
- Museum of the American Indian
- U.S. Botantical Gardens on the Mall
- National Building Museum
- Stanton Park to use the playground
- Eastern Market to buy some apples and cannoli
- Lincoln Memorial
- Korean Memorial
- Smithsonian Castle
- Air and Space Museum on the Mall
- National Zoo
- Berwyn Heights, MD (for Aletheia!)
- Circleville, OH
- Dry Fork, WV
- Harrisonburg, VA
- Library of Congress
- Folger Shakespeare Library
I felt sort of guilty about not taking more advantage of the various places to visit, but actually, with bullet points like that it looks pretty substantial. I kept saying that it would be a bit different if my oldest child wasn't only six! Somehow... I have been feeling less and less ambitious for sight-seeing as the months wear on. I told my friend that when we get home, I'm not going anywhere I can't see from my house.
The other blessing at this location was its closeness, relatively speaking, to home. We had a couple of sets of friends come to go museum-viewing with us, which was a highlight of the time. THANK YOU, O VISITING FRIENDS!!
Generally, though, we went to...
The Natural History Museum, where we had yet another opportunity to practice the word ROTUNDA.
On one trip to the Natural History Museum, I had Noelle bring her notebook so she could sketch things. I do believe this magnetic rock (above left) is the only thing she drew at all, but doesn't this picture make me look like a good homeschooling mom? Hahaha.
Noelle's favorite part of the NHM was the minerals collection, without a doubt. My favorite part was when they put out things that people were allowed to touch! Here, we paw a gigantic amethyst.
The boys liked the dinosaur exhibit, especially the "please touch" leg bone cast.
Most of the time, however, we stayed in, because someone was ill, or it was SO cold, or SO snowy.
In honor of Mark's birthday, we made cookies.

We also went with some friends to the National Building Museum, which featured this big kids' building place that Joel especially enjoyed.
This is the Police Officers' memorial that happens to be right outside the Building Museum. I really liked this quote on this part of the memorial.
We popped into the Folger Shakespeare Library one afternoon to see what we could see. Besides a couple of Shakespearean costumes from a film (and a disturbing clip from an old movie version of
Othello), we just found this bust of good ole' Will. I'm sorry for the blurry picture--I snapped it in haste because...well, because one of my chief operating princples in such places is "'Above all else, to thine own self draw no attention." You may notice Noelle attempting to resemble the Bard.
I think my next entry will be about our trip to Ohio in the midst of our Washington time. :) So, if you're interested in "Katie visits her family," stay tuned.