Saturday, July 25, 2009

Heart Surgery

I've been thinking about my endeavor to become a person of moderation. It's hard. It requires a change of heart as well as a change of habit. The Holy Spirit has to change my heart in this area, and I have to cooperate. Why I'm surprised that having heart surgery without anesthetic hurts, I don't know.

Today in the Brestin book she brought to my attention several proverbs about having "too much" of a thing:
  • Prov. 23:20--too much wine or meat or drowsiness leads to poverty and rags;
  • Prov. 25:16--eating too much honey makes you vomit;
  • Prov. 25:27--it's not good to eat too much honey or to look for your own glory;
  • Prov. 30:8-9--to have too much food and be full always encourages me to deny the Lord!

That last one stuck me particularly today, so I'll share it in full:

"Keep deception and lies far from me, / Give me neither poverty nor riches; / Feed me with the food that is my portion, / That I not be full and deny You and say, 'Who is the LORD?' / Or
that I not be in want and steal, / And profane the name of my God." (Proverbs 30:8-9)

Practically speaking, this happens in me: I run to the food because I simply don't want to bother to run to the Lord. It's easier to eat. I haven't often practiced running to Him and waiting there until I find satisfaction. I throw myself at His feet like my toddler throws herself down in a tantrum, yelling "I not happy!" And if I don't immediately feel the "waves of the Spirit crashing down on me" (or something) instantly, I get up and go find a graham cracker. Just like my toddler.

And so, though I am embarrassed to admit it, what I'm really saying with my eating habits is "Who is the LORD?" This seems to me to be a manifestation of me being one of those "holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power" (2 Tim. 3:5). Scalpel. Ouch.

Father! I am so sorry to have harbored this unbelief and pride. I would not ever on a test check the box that said "God has no power really," but I've checked it hundreds of times on a test that matters more--my daily life! Please forgive me. Please change my heart. Help my unbelief; Lord, I believe! I know You have great and surpassing power, and Your power and authority extends to me. Teach me the perseverence and diligence in prayer especially to sit at Your feet and wait. Thanks for loving me and bringing me to this place. Thanks for doing surgery on my heart; help me endure it and come out a 'new and improved' version of the new creation You've already made me in Jesus.


  1. wow Proverbs 30:8-9 is tough! Puts things in perspective!

  2. awesome :) Great picture that with your life you are saying "God is not enough"...I do the same thing.
