Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I've been working on a study of submission for the upcoming women's retreat. I've been interested in learning more about this topic for well over a year, when I first realized I had NO IDEA what it really meant to submit--especially to my husband.

I thought I'd leave you, though, with just one little thing to ponder. This is Richard Foster's definition of submission from his book, A Celebration of Discipline. By the way, submission in this book is listed as a spiritual discipline, right alongside prayer and study and so forth. Interesting.

Here it is:
"I said that every Discipline has its corresponding freedom. What freedom corresponds to submission? It is the ability to lay down the terrible burden of always needing to get our own way."


1 comment:

  1. ahem.. so I apparently should have read this earlier.. like before I found out that Tim is in fact not coming home early like he said. You know before I threw myself a pity party and took Sammy for ice cream. Since I couldn't have "my way." ahem.. well I guess I am off to pray and ask God to help me with submission.. I totally thought I was doing a good job...
