Friday, July 19, 2013

Ready to Go? Mercy #1

We're leaving for our EXCELLENT ADVENTURE tomorrow morning. God's mercies have already been rich on us: provision for all the legs of this trip, the travel, the housing, the timing; kind friends who have been serving us, babysitting the kids, feeding us, encouraging and praying for us; and the perspective to see that this is a big OPPORTUNITY rather than simply something to survive. So it's not right to name this one as Mercy #1, because it's not even Mercy #1 for today! But even so, let's call it.

Mercy #1: First a weird feeling, then a terrible burning smell, and finally smoke rising up from the passenger side tire. That's when I pulled over. The car broke down today, here in Harrisonburg, and not tomorrow.  Today, when we could do something about it. In the early afternoon, when the fine fellows at AAMCO still had time to look at it and fix it. Today.

Even as we grimace that the problem was one that Mark could have fixed himself given enough time and the right tools, we can be thankful. As Mark just said to me, "Some problems go away when you throw money at them. They are not the worst kind of problems to have." So it's a mercy, and I'm thankful.

Next stop: Ohio.


  1. ahh oh no!! Glad it was today and you are all fixed up and ready to go for tomorrow! I'm going to keep my visit short tonight so I don't cry.. I know you are coming back but I will still miss you a TON!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear about God's mercies and your amazing adventure! Love you my friend!

  2. Will be fun reading your blog about the coming year for all of you. What an amazing adventure you are beginning today! Linda
