Here are a few things we've been up to lately as we celebrate Christmas:
We made a couple shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Noelle really got into this and kept saying she wanted to go to the other country to give the kids her present.

We did a little cookie exchange at church...yum!

It snowed here on Saturday, so Mark and I went out and played for a little while! He helped Noelle make a big snow fort. Family time--yes.

I made these little ornaments out of cinnamon sticks, a couple of cloves, and some fabric! I was proud.

Lindsay had this idea first, but I made a little Christmas Countdown for the playroom window. We've enjoyed taking the numbers off each day and writing down in a little notebook what we've done to celebrate together.

We made these cookie lollipops together. Noelle ate this "factory seconds" one.

While visiting Mark's family in Akron, we went to their tree festival. Lots of creatively decorated trees!

I've also enjoyed hearing Mark tell Noelle the Christmas story and telling it to the kids myself. It really is an amazing story, and it's so good to be reminded. Praise God for His ultimate Gift!
aww loved all of the pictures! We have been so busy! I can't wait to settle down at least a little bit before Christmas :-)