Mark is off on a research trip this week, so I'm holding down the fort and re-remembering how much I am glad that I DON'T have to hold it down most of the time. I can't believe it took me five years of marriage to really start to appreciate Mark on his own terms. Five years to not just selflessly care about him and what he has to offer rather than brood about what I think he should offer or the way he offers it. I guess I'm just glad that it didn't take longer--it would have been a long rest of my life.
I'm thankful for his persistent assistance, his desire to do what is right, his tirelessness, his integrity, his protection and husbanding of me against the world, his tender care with the kids, his service, his passionate eccentricity (I maintain all profs are either obsessed or insane or both--he's becoming nicely balanced in this :D ), and his doing of the dishes!
Our wedding anniversary is in August, but I just remembered that this week marks another (sort of silly) anniversary that I don't commemorate but just noted. I'm thankful I didn't dump him this week back in 2001 even though I completely meant to. Talk about how this decade would have been different for So glad God has a plan.
So thanks, Mark. I know you don't read this blog, but I say: I'm glad you left a message on the answering machine for me eight years ago. You're a good guy and a fine husband. I appreciate and respect you. And I'm thankful for you.
hehe I don't think I the knew about dumping him story! I hope your week has been going okay so far!