Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The last week in London

The last week in London, we moved to a flat that was a block from the British Museum. Oh, the sound of a two-year-old shrieking, "I DON'T WAN TO GO TO THE RITISH MUSEUM!!" And of the older children saying, "Oh, not again!" Bwahaha! Yes, again! Because we can. I loved being able to pop over there for a few minutes, then pop home again. I much prefer that to having to invest an hour or more in travel to get somewhere.

 Don't forget the gift shop! We want ALL these bears! 

The other thing we did at this flat was play legos. 

Our flights home were smooth and generally peaceful. Joel had had it by the time we arrived in Cleveland, but it was something like 6 hours past his bedtime, poor kid. Jet lag was killer for the next week, with the kids waking up at 3 and wanting to go to sleep for the night at 3. Throw in a little desire for Christmas festivities, and you have an exciting time....(next) 

1 comment:

  1. How fun that it was so close!! LOL I can imagine Marky saying that! Legos = Awesome!
