Tuesday, February 18, 2014

We also...

We also...
went to Oxford with the students for a day trip. This is the Chaledonian Theatre. I could tell you more about it, but...I couldn't hear our guide. So it goes. We went to the Pitt-Rivers Museum also on our own, which was pretty bizaare. 

 Noelle and I went down to St Paul's Cathedral. St Paul's was my one must-see destination for the entire trip, so I was glad to make it happen. The mosaics inside on the ceiling are phenomenal.
 We found a big map nearby.

 I got flowers.
 We struck out one weekend in search of Hampstead Heath, which (I think) we found. The boys went off running down this hill while Noelle sketched the vista. You can't see it in the photo, but the London skyline is visible over the trees and far away.

 The park is right next to an estate called Kenilworth. The attractive grounds made me wish we had found this place sooner.
 With Jenny and Roy, we went to London Zoo.
 Paintings in an underpass at the zoo.
 Ok, this was the best part of the visit for me. This woman showed the kids this alligator skull, snakeskin, turtle shell, etc. in the reptile house. Ask me privately if you want to hear a funny story about Joel and the alligator skull.

A good time was had by all.

1 comment:

  1. bwhahahahahaha the alligator skull!!! That just put a big grin on my face! Glad you guys had time! I love the gorilla picture :)
